NYBC bylaws help to establish the organization’s management structure, procedures, and dispute resolution processes.

Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the New York Bee Club.
Section 2: Purpose
The New York Bee Club is dedicated to promoting the art and science of beekeeping, advocating for beekeepers, fostering environmental stewardship, and educating the community about the importance of bees and other pollinators.
Article II: Membership & Sponsorship
Section 1: Eligibility
Membership is open to individuals aged 18 and above interested in beekeeping and pollinator conservation. Minors may join with parental consent.
Section 2: Chapter-Based Membership
- Membership is organized on a chapter basis, aligning members with the chapter that represents their borough or their area of interest within New York City.
- Members may choose to join multiple chapters if they wish to engage with different boroughs.
- Members are required to pay the prescribed dues for each chapter of which they are a part, as membership fees are utilized to support chapter-specific activities and resources.
Section 3: Categories
- Regular Member: Open to individuals paying the annual dues for their chosen chapter(s). Voting member.
- Student Member: Open to students at a reduced fee for their chosen chapter(s), requiring proof of enrollment. Non-voting membership.
- Lifetime Member: Awarded to individuals for significant contributions to any chapter at the Executive Board’s discretion. Same benefits as the regular membership, but exempt from dues.
- Honorary Member: Awarded to individuals for significant contributions to the field of beekeeping, exempt from dues. Non-voting membership.
Section 4: Dues
- Dues and the appropriation of the funds are determined annually by the Executive Board and are subject to change with a 30-day notice to the chapter members.
- Dues contribute to organization and chapter operations, events, and community outreach initiatives.
Section 5: Termination
- Membership can be revoked for by-law violations, misconduct, or unpaid dues in any chapter, with an appeal process overseen by the board of directors.
Section 6: Sponsorship
Individual Sponsorship:
- Club Friend: An individual who contributes an amount determined by the board, receiving a certificate of appreciation and recognition on the club’s website.
- Club Advocate: An individual who contributes a higher amount, receiving the above plus invitations to special club events.
Corporate Sponsorship:
- Supporter: Businesses that contribute funds or services equivalent to an amount set by the board, receiving a logo placement on the club’s website and promotional materials.
- Partner: Businesses that make substantial contributions, receiving the above plus opportunities for featured presentations at club events and a feature in the club newsletter.
Sponsorships are reviewed annually and are subject to the same ethical considerations and approval processes as memberships. Sponsorship does not confer voting rights or membership status but is recognized as a crucial support to the club’s mission.
Article III: Executive Board
Section 1: Composition
The Executive Board of the club shall include a Executive Director, Finance Director, Administration Director, Outreach Director, and Chapter Delegates, one from each active chapter.
Section 2: Authority & Responsibilities
- The general supervision, management, and direction of the club shall be delegated exclusively to its Executive Board.
- The Executive Board shall develop club policy, select all standing and special committees, establish dues and authorize compensation for justifiable expenses, and make recommendations to the club.
- No member of the Executive Board shall receive, directly or indirectly, any salary or compensation for services rendered on behalf of the club.
- The Executive Board shall be subject to the orders of the club, and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the club.
- All members of the Executive Board are eligible to vote on club business and any business for the chapter(s) they are a member of.
- The Executive Board shall be the authority in the interpretation of these Bylaws.
- After club elections, the incumbent Executive Board shall hold a joint meeting with the incoming Executive Board to prepare for a smooth transition.
Section 3: Term of Office
- Each executive officer shall take office on January 1 and shall hold office, for a term of two years, or until their successor is elected and takes office.
- The Executive Director shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
- An officer who fails to perform the duties of the office may be removed from that office by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Executive Board.
- Should a vacancy occur in any Executive Office of the club, the Executive Board shall, by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Executive Board, fill such vacancy by appointment of a member eligible by all other criteria for the duration of the unexpired term.
Section 4: Nominations & Elections
- Any Regular member in good standing for at least one year prior to the Annual General Meeting may hold office. Student and Honorary members are ineligible to hold office.
- Nominations of officers shall be made by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed before the end of April. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a list of nominees, showing at least one name for each elective position on the Executive Board due to become vacant, and shall present the list to the membership in writing no less than 30 days before the Election.
- At the February meeting additional nominations will be accepted from members who are eligible to vote. Nominations will be closed by approval of the membership at the February meeting.
- The election shall be by ballot vote, which will list the candidates alphabetically for each office. Each member shall be provided with a ballot at the Annual Meeting.
- The election of officers of the club shall take place at the Annual Meeting, as established in these Bylaws.
- The Teller Committee shall be appointed before the end of February. The ballots shall be counted and certified by the Teller Committee, and the results shall be reported to the membership.
- In case of two nominees for a single office, election shall be by majority vote. In case of more than two nominees for a single office, by plurality of the vote cast; in case two or more nominees receive the same number of votes, the election shall be determined by lot.
Section 5: Offices
Executive Director
- Presides over general club meetings and leads the board.
- Acts as the primary spokesperson for the club.
- Ensures the club adheres to its mission and by-laws.
- Coordinates the board’s activities and strategies.
- Manages individual and corporate sponsorships.
- In cases of a split vote, makes the deciding vote.
- Holds a seat on the Executive Board as the presiding officer.
Finance Director
- Manages the club’s finances, including collecting dues and paying bills.
- Prepares and presents financial reports at each board and general meeting.
- Leads the annual budget preparation and monitoring.
- Facilitates the financial audit processes.
- Holds a seat on the Executive Board, providing financial oversight.
Administration Director
- Keeps accurate records of meetings and club correspondence.
- Maintains the membership records.
- Distributes minutes of all board and general meetings.
- Manages official club documentation and filings.
- Holds a seat on the Executive Board, ensuring accurate record-keeping.
Outreach Director
- Leads the club’s outreach and education initiatives.
- Coordinates with community partners and media to promote club events and campaigns.
- Develops and manages membership recruitment and retention strategies.
- Organizes club participation in local events and advocacy efforts.
- Holds a seat on the Executive Board, overseeing outreach efforts.
Chapter Delegate
- Reports chapter activities and issues to the Executive Board. Presents chapter meeting minutes at Executive Board meetings.
- Represents their chapter members at the board meetings.
- This position defaults to the Chapter President unless another member of the chapter is appointed by the Chapter President.
Section 4: Eligibility Restrictions
- Nominees must be active members in good standing for 1 year before running for any office and have no conflicts of interest as outlined in Article X.
- No individual shall hold more than one seat on the board concurrently, ensuring a broad distribution of responsibilities and opportunities for member participation in club governance.
- Chapter Presidents are only eligible to hold a board seat as a Chapter Delegate during their term.
Article IV: Meetings
Section 1: General Club Meetings
- Must be held at least once per year in the Fall. Additional General meetings may be held at the board’s discretion.
- The location will rotate annually through the boroughs of New York City where a chapter is present, providing equitable access to all members.
- Held for the purposes of elections, providing updates on the club’s activities, and making key decisions that affect the club and its membership.
- All members are invited and encouraged to participate to ensure a broad representation of the membership’s voice.
Section 2: Board Meetings
Held monthly to review operations, finances, ongoing initiatives, and new business.
Section 3: Voting
Decisions with regard to the business of the Executive Board require a majority vote by the board. By-law amendments require 30 days’ written proposal and a two-thirds majority of the general membership present.
Section 4: Chapter Meetings
Chapters must adhere to the requirements as listed in Article V, but have license to structure their own meetings.
Article V: Chapters
Section 1: Establishment
- A maximum of five chapters may be established, one for each borough of New York City: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx, and Staten Island.
Section 2: Chapter Officers
- Each chapter must have a President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Programs Coordinator.
- One member is permitted to hold up to two of these offices simultaneously if necessary.
- The Chapter President may create additional offices according to the chapter’s needs and resources, and within the mission of the organization. The Chapter President must notify the Executive Board of any new positions at the following board meeting.
Section 3: Membership and Voting
- Members must join through at least one Chapter to become a member of the New York Bee Club.
- Only members who are affiliated with a Chapter may vote for the Chapter’s offices. All chapter members are encouraged to attend and participate in meetings.
- Members may be affiliated with multiple Chapters by paying the associated dues for the chapter.
Section 4: Meetings & Events
Meeting Requirements
- Chapters are required to hold a minimum of one general meeting each quarter (four meetings per year) to ensure ongoing member engagement and operational continuity. Chapters are encouraged to hold monthly meetings to boost member engagement. The General Club Meeting in the Fall does not count toward one of the four required meetings.
- Emergency or special meetings can be called as needed by the Chapter President or a majority of the chapter’s membership.
- Members must be notified of upcoming meetings at least two weeks in advance, with an agenda circulated prior to the meeting. Meeting notices and agendas can be distributed via email, the chapter’s website, or other effective communication channels.
- Chapters are encouraged to facilitate remote participation for members who cannot attend in person, using technology solutions such as video conferencing.
Event Requirements
- Chapters are required to hold at least 4 events that are not meetings. These events can be classes, workshops, event tabling/outreach, or other activities that contribute to the mission of the organization.
- The Executive Board will be notified at least 2 weeks ahead of all meetings and events so the organization can help promote a chapter’s activities.
Section 4: Autonomy and Adherence
- Chapters are granted the autonomy to manage internal affairs and activities.
- Despite their operational independence, chapters must adhere to the by-laws and the overarching mission of the New York Bee Club.
Section 5: Chapter Formation and Dissolution
- The process for forming a new chapter includes submitting a petition to the Executive Board, signed by at least 15 members from the borough, and a schedule of meetings and events for the first year.
- The Executive Board must approve the formation of a new chapter by a majority vote. Once approved, the chapter will be formed after 15 new memberships have been paid.
- A chapter may be dissolved by a majority vote of its members or by the Executive Board if it is found to be in violation of the club’s by-laws or mission, or not meeting the minimum requirements for formation.
Article VI: Financial Management
Section 1: Financial Director & Chapter Treasurer
The Financial Director manages and reports on finances, subject to board oversight. Chapter Treasurers work directly with the Financial Director to request funds. The Financial Director must approve all transactions.
Section 2: Fiscal Year
Runs from January 1 to December 31.
Section 3: Budget Approval
The budget is approved at the Annual General Meeting by the board, with input from committees and chapters.
Article VII: Committees
Section 1: Formation
- The club shall have several standing committees to assist in its operation and decision-making processes.
- These committees are established by the Executive Board and are essential for handling various aspects of club management and activities.
Section 2: Standing Committees
Bylaws Committee
- Reviews and proposes amendments to the club’s by-laws.
- Ensures compliance with legal standards and best practices in governance.
- This committee is led by the Executive Director.
Finance Committee
- Oversees the club’s budget, financial planning, and financial reporting to ensure fiscal responsibility.
- All chapter tresurers are part of this committee.
- This committee is led by the Financial Director.
Membership Committee
- Focuses on recruitment and retention of members.
- Manages member benefits and addresses membership concerns.
- This committee is led by the Administration Director.
Outreach Committee
- Develops strategies for community engagement and public awareness.
- Coordinates outreach programs and partnerships with other organizations.
- This committee is led by the Outreach Director.
Programs Committee
- Plans and organizes educational and recreational programs for members.
- Plans the Fall General Meeting each year.
- Ensures a diverse range of activities aligned with the club’s mission.
- This committee is led by the Executive Director.
Awards and Contests Committee
- Manages the club’s awards and contests, including criteria setting, judging, and prize distribution.
- Promotes participation and recognition of excellence among members.
- This committee is led by a member appointed by the Executive Director.
Nominating Committee
- Responsible for identifying and nominating candidates for club elections.
- Ensures a fair and transparent nomination process.
- This committee is led by a member appointed by the Executive Board. Current Board Members and prospective nominees may not be on this committee.
Teller Committee
- Oversees the election process, including vote counting and result verification.
- Ensures the integrity and confidentiality of the voting process.
- This committee is led by a member appointed by the Executive Board. Current Board Members and prospective nominees may not be on this committee.
Article VIII: Amendments & Addendums
Section 1: Proposals
Amendments can be proposed by any voting member in good standing and are reviewed by the board.
Section 2: Approval
Requires a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board and ratification by the general membership at the Fall General Meeting.
Article IX: Dissolution
Section 1: Conditions
The club can be dissolved under extreme financial hardship, legal issues, or a majority vote of the general membership.
Section 2: Asset Distribution
Assets will be liquidated and funds donated to a non-profit in the field of bee conservation or environmental preservation.
Article X: Conflict of Interest and Indemnification
Section 1: Conflicts
- The roles of Executive Director or Chapter President may not be filled with anyone in a terminal leadership position with any other related or competing NYC group or organization. The Executive Board will have discretion to determine if a member’s affiliations with the organization in question qualifies as a Conflict of Interest or not.
- The Finance Director may not fill the role of Treasurer for any Chapter simultaneously.
Section 2: Indemnification
The club will maintain insurance to protect board members, officers, and volunteers against liabilities.
Article XI: Records and Reports
Section 1: Record Keeping
The Administration Director and Finance Director are responsible for maintaining official and financial records, respectively.
Section 2: Access
Members can request access to records, subject to privacy and legal restrictions.
Ratified May 29th, 2024